Investidor Brasileiro

Brazilian Investor

Non-Brazilian Investor

Investidor Estrangeiro


A Nest International Administradora De Carteira De Valores Mobiliários Ltda (“Nest Asset Management”) não comercializa nem distribui cotas de fundos de investimentos. As informações contidas nesse material são de caráter exclusivamente informativo. Fundos de investimento não contam com garantia do administrador do fundo, do gestor da carteira, de qualquer mecanismo de seguro ou, ainda, do Fundo Garantidor De Créditos - FGC. A rentabilidade obtida no passado não representa garantia de rentabilidade futura. A rentabilidade do fundo apresentada não é líquida de impostos, mas é líquida de taxa de administração e de taxa de performance. Para avaliação da performance do fundo de investimento, é recomendável uma análise de, no mínimo, 12 (doze) meses. É recomendada a leitura cuidadosa do formulário de informações complementares, a lâmina de informações essenciais, prospecto e regulamento do fundo de investimento pelo investidor antes de investir seus recursos. Os fundos geridos pela Nest Asset Management utilizam estratégias com derivativos como parte integrante de sua política de investimento. Tais estratégias, da forma como são adotadas, podem resultar em significativas perdas patrimoniais para seus cotistas, podendo inclusive acarretar perdas superiores ao capital aplicado e a consequente obrigação do cotista de aportar recursos adicionais para cobrir o prejuízo do fundo. Os investidores devem estar preparados para aceitar os riscos inerentes aos diversos mercados em que os fundos atuam e, consequentemente, possíveis variações no patrimônio investido.

Nest International Administradora de Carteira de Valores Mobiliários Ltda. (“Nest Asset Management”), neither sell nor distribute shares of investment funds or any other security. The services, investment funds or any other related investment opportunity referenced in this website are for informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific investment advice for you. The information contained herein is exclusively for illustrative purposes and should not be construed as a solicitation to acquire services, shares in any investment fund or related investment opportunity. Nothing in this website constitutes investment, legal, tax or other advice nor is it to be relied upon in making an investment decision. This presentation is not directed to any person in any jurisdiction where (by reason of that person’s nationality, residence or otherwise) the availability of the information contained herein is prohibited. This presentation may not be reproduced, distributed or published by any recipient hereof for any purpose. This website is not directed to any person resident in the United States of America or to the public in Brazil. If you are a US person (as defined in Rule 902 of Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended) or any person acting on the behalf of a U.S. person, please do not enter this website. By proceeding beyond this page, you represent and warrant that you are not a US resident. Prospective investors are advised to read the funds by-laws and prospectuses carefully before investing and should not act or rely on the information provided herein without seeking the advice of a professional. The advice given by Nest Asset Management is not and should not be construed as legal or regulatory advice in any jurisdiction. Before implementing any proposal, investors should seek specialist legal advice to ensure that they will not contravene any applicable law or regulation. Neither Nest Asset Management nor its employees shall have any legal responsibility to ensure that the investor acts in accordance with applicable law or regulation. The information herein is restricted to clients who are sophisticated investors. This website and its contents are not intended to sell services or products over the internet. Subscriptions will only be received and shares issued on the basis of the current Offering Memorandum of the relevant fund. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the financial information herein but it is based on unaudited figures. Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of the future performance, and no representation or warrantly, express or implied is made regarding future performance. The value of investments may fall as well as positive influjence on returns. Before making an investment decision, please read the relevant Offering Memorandum in its entirety. Investment funds performance is not guaranteed by the Funds service providers, neither Nest Asset Management, nor the Brazilian Credit Guarantor Fund – FGC or any other insurance mechanisms whatsoever. Pursuant to the regulations of the Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Entities Association (the "ANBIMA"), an analysis of at least 12 (twelve) months is recommended when evaluating investment funds performance.The authorization of investment fund to operate or the authorization of distribution of its shares as well as any other securities by a distributor qualified and authorized by the Brazilian Securities Commission (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários – CVM) does not imply, on the part of CVM or ANBIMA, of any guarantee as to the truthful nature of the information provided, the conformity of the relevant prospectus to the applicable rules in force, nor any assessment of the quality of the fund, the funds manager or of the other service-providing institutions. With respect to indicative values, no representation is made that any transaction can be effected at the values provided. Nest Asset Management assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of, or reliance upon, this website information. This information contained in this website may not be reproduced, distributed or published by any recipient hereof for any purpose.

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